Fear the Unknown

Posted: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 by zombieheadbitey in

When you die, there is that idea of something else, a bright white light, a lifting of the soul to a higher place. All of my life, like most people, I believed this. Today was the day I died. When the EKG announced my passing, that was the cue that the vaccine had failed and I would be sent to the fire. The restraints were not just for the thrashing and the convulsions, but for when the corpse reanimated, so the doctors would not be at risk. My time of death was called at 11:23 PM. I didnt reanimate when they thought I would. In turn the doctors left me in morgue for observation. I have no clue if this was a blessing from something higher than man, or just dumb luck that spared me from the flames that night. 

When I did finally wake up I was blinded by the stark white florescent lights the morgue had to offer. The smell of cleaning products, death and metal assaulted my nose, each of my senses were on fire, everything seemed new to me, everything was different. I moved my legs tentatively, the restraints had been removed sometime within the night. I had assumed the doctors figured I was safe, that I was no longer a threat. I finally sat up after a long moment, immediately I began to cough uncontrollably. I covered my mouth as I continued to cough, when it finally stopped my eyes drifted to the cold sticky wetness in my hand. Fear ran through my body as I stared at a large hand full of thick blackish blood I have coughed up from my lungs. Immediately I wiped my hands and slid off the morgue's autopsy table. 

The only thing I had covering me was the sheet they had draped over my naked form. The room was ice cold, but I did not feel it like the poor guard sitting in the corner did. I felt something strange hit me when I saw him. Hunger. I had not noticed how hungry I was, how much it hurt. As i approached the guard, I noticed he was asleep. Then the sickening thought crossed my mind. I wondered what he might taste like, I wondered what the sounds of his flesh ripping from his fat little body would sound like. It sent chills down my spine as I thought about it, but it also made me want to vomit. I do not remember how long I stood there, watching the man sleep, but soon I made my move. My hunger was so powerful, so demanding that I could not deny it any longer.  

I grabbed the fat security guard by the collar of his jacket and pulled him from his chair. I do not know what woke him up first, grabbing him or him hitting the ground. I read his name badge carefully. "Steven." I said out loud as I peered at him. He looked like a frighted animal, petrified by fear. "Today's your lucky day, Steve-o. You get to see a smokin' hot babe, and die." I said to him. Before he could draw his pistol, before he could even scream for help I was on him. Instinct driven, maddened by that waking hunger. 

I pinned Steve to the ground as I straddled him, one hand was cupped over his mouth as I leaned down and tore away the shirt and jacket that hid that prized meal from me. Even as I fought for control, it felt like my mind had been split in two, the crazed hungry Ezra, and the sane civil Ezra. I tore into Steve's shoulder, feeling my teeth tear flesh from his shoulder I heard his muffled screams, they fell on deaf ears. No one would help him. The taste, the coppery taste of his blood mixed with the salty taste of his flesh sent shivers down my spine as I sat up to eat what I had torn from him. That loss of control. It was full of pleasure, but my body told me I needed more. My fingers found their way into Steve's mouth. I locked eyes with him, and from the reflection in his glasses, I knew I had become a monster, the grin on my face, the blood that smeared my lips and cheeks. The dead eyes. I had no clue what I was, but it did not matter anymore. What was once a good looking girl, was now a far cry from health and beauty. 

As my fingers wormed their way into his mouth, as I stared at myself like a parrot in a mirror, I pulled down as hard as I could on his lower jaw. With ease it began to tear, and poor Steve screamed like a wild animal being butchered. With another pull I ripped off the entirety of his jaw. I threw the prize behind me and moved further up to his face. I shoved my index finger into his eye, then my other fingers. Eventually Steve stopped moving all together. I ripped his eye from the socket and shoved it into my mouth, it popped just like a grape. I then began to rip his skull open from the hole in his eye socket. It was strange how easy it was to do this, but I did not give it much thought as I began to pull out the pink matter from inside his skull, scooping it out and shoveling it into my greedy mouth. 

"Poor Steve" I murmured as I pushed myself to my feet. I had no plan. I had no place to go from here. I knew that if I walked into the hospital, naked and covered in gore I would be killed. I knew that Steve's corpse would be found soon and I would have to make myself scarce once they found I was missing.  

I pushed my way out of the morgue's swinging doors and walked down the long empty hallway. It never dawned on me that I left behind bloody footprints. My mind was focused on escape more than anything. I wandered the halls until I followed the signs for the emergency exit.  I pushed open the door, which set off the fire alarm. I did not care, I found my freedom. As soon as I felt the cool October air on my bloodied flesh I bolted into a dead run across the parking lot, far from the hospital, from the mess I made of Steve.  

I had no clue how long I had been running, but I was not tired, I was not out of breath. That's when I noticed I did not even need to breathe. I found that I had stopped short of a shopping center, and that's when it dawned on me that I was naked.

I had learned from news papers in the Super Store that the majority of Dallas was under lock down due to the impending infection. That was when I was admitted into the Hospital after I signed my waiver. A few days later infection broke, and spread like wild fire due to the close quarters of refuge centers. 

I spent my first few weeks hidden within the super center. The infection grew and Dallas was considered lost. The first week broadcasting was cut to the emergency net work, then the hordes began to grow within the core of the city. Pretty soon I knew I needed to move. I was not safe here. 

Shake the World

Posted: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 by zombieheadbitey in

My dreams were erratic. I was in a place I didn't know, a dark room with tiles that were once white, though now with age, they had turned a grimy gray color. The floor was dirty, and I was stuck in a flimsy white hospital gown. . 

I remember waking up in this dream, my eyes fuzzy. I tried to focus, what little light that shined through the dirty dust covered windows only made my vision worse as I tried to make out my surroundings. The air was stale, cold and smelled like years of dried blood and mold. I recall climbing out of the rusty dingy bed and only falling to my knees. My legs wouldn't work, no matter how hard I tried to force myself to stand, I couldn't do it. 

Finally, I pulled myself up using the railing of the bed. As my vision cleared, I noticed I was alone. The silence could be cut with a knife. I pushed myself from the bed and stumbled into the counter that held a rust stained sink and a grime covered mirror. Carefully I reached my hand up and wiped the mirror. Staring back at me in that mirror was a pale dark haired woman. She was the only thing that was familiar to me here. As I peered closer at my reflection I noticed certain things about myself. My eyes, they were no longer that deep doe-eyed brown, but a glazed over white blue color, my lips held a tinge of blue. Everything about me was wrong. Frightening so.  

Fear welled  up inside of me, and I turned to move away from the mirror, from this room. Immediately I bolted for the door, my legs found their strength as I ran out of the room and into the dirty hallway. This place was unfamiliar, and I had no idea where to go, but I ran. I ran down a seemingly endless hallway, only when I caught a glimpse of someone in a hospital room did I stop. This figure was obviously male, in a white coat, so I assumed he was a doctor here. As I stood in the doorway of the room I watched him standing in the corner. I tried to yell, but no words came from my mouth. So, I moved farther into the room until I was standing by the man. I reached out my shaking hand and touched his shoulder. Immediately the man turned around quickly. What I saw made me scream that silent scream of horror. What I saw was the image of what once was a man long ago. He was missing his right eye, and his jaw had been torn from his face, it  hung at his chest by a thin piece of flesh and his tongue hung loosely and freely. The man had blood all over the front of his coat. Immediately I stepped backwards, fear rocketed through my body as he followed me. I tripped over my own two feet and I fell back, hitting the ground hard. My head connected with the floor and I saw stars in my vision. I felt the man fall ontop of me, fingers tearing at my gown, into my flesh. And I screamed and screamed, but no sounds issued from my throat as this man tore me apart. 

I found my voice, screaming loudly and kicking my legs violently in the hospital bed when I awoke from my dream. I remember hands grabbing my arms and legs, holding me down. Voices issuing commands for a sedative. I screamed that I did not want to go back to sleep, but my words fell on deaf ears as I felt the prick of the needle and the real world dissolve into black. 

When I came to again, things were a lot calmer, I had no dreams the second time. I woke from the darkness to the sounds of machines, monitoring my heart. I had almost forgot why I was here, what brought me to the hospital to begin with. My thoughts were distracted by a young woman. She was blonde, blue eyed and very pretty. She wore blue scrubs, her hair was pulled back in a bun and she looked far happier than I could ever be. I assumed she was around my age, probably fresh out of nursing school. 

"Hey there," She said. "I'm sorry we had to sedate you, but now that you are awake we are going to administer the vaccine."

Vaccine. Vaccine. I thought in my head as I stared at the woman with probably the stupidest look on my face. The it came to me. I was in this hospital as a volunteer for the vaccine. But, why did they need to sedate me. I didn't give it much thought as I just shook my head. "It's fine." I said lowly. 

The woman just smiled. "It's going to sting a little, and once we do that, we are going to have to inject the Chimera strain into your system. You do understand, that if this procedure doesn't work, you will die." she said grimly. I knew that what she said to me was just a part of the script, that she really did not care if I lived or died because of this experiment. I was just a number for the government. 

"Yeah...I read the waiver, trust me I know." I said to her, with a bit of agitation to my voice. All she could do was give me a shitty smile. The young woman called over a few assistants, four rather strong and burly men who looked like they could take down a bull together. Thats when I became nervous. Each man began to strap me down. I felt my heart began to race, and the monitor followed suit with its nagging beeping, I broke out into a cold sweat. I didn't like this. I had to tel myself there was no going back. I gave my life away once I signed that waiver. This was my own death sentence to avoid that impending disease knocking on all of our doors. 

The nurse did not even give me the one two three. She stuck me in the arm with the vaccine. I flinched and grit my teeth. The injection was like shoving peanut butter into my arm and it burned horribly. I never thought the pain was going to end, and when it did she gave me a pat on the shoulder. "See, all good now." She said. "Time for the other one though." She finished grimly. 

I groaned. I did not think I could take any more shots. The next syringe the nurse produced looked a little bit more friendlier than the last, though I knew it was just a mask to the sinister virus that lay within the glass. She treated it as if it were precious, careful to pick it up and even more careful as she moved to stick me in my arm. The injection burned, but not as badly as the peanut butter shot I was given seconds ago. This one. This injection had an immediate reaction as soon as she pulled the needle from my skin. 

I do not remember much, save for the extreme pain that wracked my whole body. The restraints were there for a reason it seemed. I knew my heart was going into cardiac arrest only because the EKG was howling like a banshee. No one did anything to save me. They all watched as my body was ravaged by the virus. I had no clue how long the process lasted, and the only thing I remembered were the screams that came from my throat. Then? Then there was nothing, just blackness as that EKG flat lined. 

Save my Introduction

Posted: by zombieheadbitey in

T.S Eliot once wrote; "This is how the world ends, not with a bang but with a whimper." Nothing could ring true at this very moment in my life. The very moment where you know the end is at hand, be it your life, or everyone's. The moment where no begging, pleading or crying can do anything for you. The saddest part is that I wanted this from the moment my story began. 

I'm staring down the barrel of a combat shotgun. What fear I should feel? It's been taken from me long ago. The idea of leaving this world and not feeling anything anymore, it's more of a relief than anything. The icy stare that belongs to the man holding his instrument of death reminds me of the reaper coming to collect his renegade soul, in truth this man, Alexander, is collecting his renegade soul. He's a pawn for the government, tasked to track me down, and kill me. He is my reaper, and he has been hunting me since the beginning. But it would only be polite to explain what brought me here, to the end of my life and who I am.